+358 44 9822 527 Telegram Whatsapp juuso.nykanen@digijoukkue.fi

Demo: Mobile App

Expense Tracking Mobile App

*One week from idea to first working version of this mobile app as seen in the screenshots. Ask for more information: juuso.nykanen@digijoukkue.fi / +358 44 9822 527

More Demos Presentation

Demo Google Slides Presentation

Click here to open a Google Slides presentation containing an overview of select projects:


  1. Expense Tracking App
  2. Data Processor, Medicine Statistics
  3. Excel ERP
  4. Powerpoint Generator
  5. Project Schedule Visualizer
  6. Product Card Generator
  7. Online Udemy Course

Excelkoulutus demot

Smart pattern matching

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Smart pattern matching 2

Sama toiminto kuin yllä!

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